Introducing LEGO MILS to my town

After a long time, I have finally figured out how to solve the roads in my LEGO city. With minimal space and desire for railroad, I can not use ordinary road plates from LEGO. It became obvious that a system had to be put in place to put the city together. I have decided I have to use some of the rules in LEGO MILS. MILS is an acronym for Modular integrated Landscaping System.

By using LEGO MILS, you build up your city with a brick and a plate. By placing Lego Technic bricks strategically around the board, these can be connected. My roads will only be built up one piece and thus be one plate lower than the walkway around LEGO modular.

The road is one plate lower than the LEGO modular.

Why not converting to LEGO MILS?

The downside of converting to LEGO MILS is the cost and time of building all the LEGO plates.